"I wonder if its ever struck you, how curious the thing it is that most of the things we experience we regard as things that happens to us, which we ourselves do not originate. That there are events expressing some sort of power or activity that is external to ourselves. And if you consider that, you realize that what you mean by "yourself" is rather narrowly circunscribed. Even events that goes on our own bodies are put in the category of things that "happen to us" in the same way as things that goes on the world outside our skins. if its a thunderstorm or an earthquake, well it happens to you, you're not responsible for it. So in the same way when you have hickups, you did not plan on it. If you have belly rumbles, you have no intention on doing it. And as for the catastrophic fact of getting born, well you had nothing to do with that.
There is this illusion that space separates things. That the interval created by birth at one end and death at the other. This are events with intervals between them. And normally we regard this intervals in time and these intervals in space as having no importance, no function. We tend to see the universe itself as really consisting of all the stars and galaxies. That's what it is, that's what we notice. But the space in which all this happens is sort of written off as something that isn't there. but what one has to realize is that the space is an essencial function of the things in the space. After all you can't have separate stars unless there is a space around. Eliminate the space and you see you couldn't have this phenomenon at all. and vice versa. you couldn't have the space in any sense whatsoever if it weren't for the bodies in it. So the bodies in the space and the space are two aspects of the same continuum. They're related together in exactly the same way as the back and the front. and you just don't get one without the other. So the moment you see that intervals and space is connected you can understand at once. How you are not just to be exclusively defined as a flash of consciousness that occurs between two eternal darknesses.
Life is a pattern of imense complexity. and what you call yourself as a living organism say: I am my whole body at the very least. Now what is that body? that body is recognizable and i recognize my friends when i meet them again and you recognize me although the last time any of you saw me i was absolutely something entirely different from what i am now. Just like the flame of a candle is never a constant. A flame of a candle is a stream of hot gas. Only you say "the flame of a candle" as if it were a constant. Well, it is a recognizably constant pattern. the spear shaped outline of the flame and its coloration is a constant pattern, but in the exact same way we are all constant patterns. And that's all we are. The only thing constant about us at all is the doing rather than the being. It's the way we behave, the way we dance. Only there's no we that dances, there's only the dancing. Just as the flame is the streaming of hot gas, just as a whirlpool in a river is a whirling of streaming water. There is no thing that whirlpools, there is the whirlpool and in the same way each one of us is a very delightfully complex ondulation of the energy of the whole universe.
The Environment in which you believe yourself to exist is always a past one. It isn't the one your actually in. The process of growth, the basic process of biology is one in which lower order are always being superseded by higher order. But the lower order can never figure out or only very rarely figure out what the higher order is that is taking over. And May see it as a terrible threat, as total disaster, as the very end, but can never be aware that the principle of growth always has and always will continue. but you'll never know what the next step is going to be. Because if you did know you wouldn't take it because it would already be past. Do you understand this? that any certainly known future is an event you can say you've had it. And in that sense is past. When we play a game in chess or in bridge or whatever game you play. When the outcome of the game becomes certain we at that point cancel the game and begin a new one. Because the whole zest of the thing is that you don't know what the next order coming up is. But on thing you can be sure of is that it will be an order, and it will comprehend you."
- Alan Watts
"No man can antedate his experience or guess what faculty or feeling a new object shall unlock any more that he can draw today the face of a person whom he shall see tomorrow for the first time. For the sake of one's work and sense of self, the individual must rely on themselves alone and recognize that what they feel and think is legitimate. If we can know anything at all it is merely that we exist. And if we can suppose anything at all, it is merely our own experience. This does no disparage our sympathy for others, other's ideas, nor our connection to the natural world, but rather, it serves to prevent the disparagement of our self amidst it all."